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Grace and Peace,
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I'm a 54 year old Husband, Father of Four Daughters, Pastor and Vice Principal of a private K-12 school on Long Island.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Great Results!

Results, results, results....the results are in! Two years ago I was 100lbs overweight with high blood pressure, high cholesterol, high triglycerides and depressed with my condition. I was on 7 different medications to treat the above symptoms. That's typically what medications do, treat the symptoms not the cause. Good for the short term to buy you enough time to get to the root of the problem and work on the long term fix.

Well, I got the results of my latest blood work. Normal levels for cholesterol, HDL, LDL and triglycerides! My blood pressure is within normal range and I am no longer depressed. Best of all, I have gone from 7 different daily prescriptions to 1 prescription medication!

I have also lost half of the weight I want to lose in the process, 50lbs! All this in less than 2 years at 52 years old! Thanks to God, doctors, friends and Internet research sources I have been able to put together a regime of healthy practices that together make up a healthy lifestyle. A healthy lifestyle comprised of a balanced, age and ability appropriate daily exercise program, a diet rich in fresh fruit and vegetables, good grains, good sources of lean protein, plenty of Omega three rich foods, my daily shakes and water, water, water and appropriate rest, prayer and meditation.

Also, as a side bar, because I have and am losing the weight slowly (1-2lbs a week), I have no stretch marks or loose skin. My complexion is better and I actually feel and look like I have gone back 10 years in age over the last two years.

Grace and Peace,

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