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Grace and Peace,
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I'm a 54 year old Husband, Father of Four Daughters, Pastor and Vice Principal of a private K-12 school on Long Island.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Diabetes Prevention

Type 2 diabetes is one of the most common health conditions among older adults. Risk factors for type 2 diabetes include hypertension, poor diet, increased body fat, high cholesterol and inadequate physical activity. Proper diet and a regular, moderate exercise program have been shown in recent studies to effectively delay the development of diabetes by up to 71% in people age 60 and over according to the Clinical Geriatric Medicine, Nov.6, 1990.

A diet filled with fresh raw organic vegetables, fish, nuts, seeds, sprouts and legumes, and low in processed foods, sugar and white flour combined with an exercise program that includes stretching, strength and cardio conditioning is the best prevention for most health conditions. While we cannot prevent all illness and disease we CAN eliminate those conditions that are a result of bad life style choices such as smoking, bad diet choices and a sedate lifestyle.

In fact, God created our bodies with a wonderful ability to repair itself if supported by the right lifestyle! It's never too late to begin making small positive changes to your lifestyle that will increase your quality as well as the quantity of your life! Take one thing and change it. For example you can choose something as simple as not adding any salt or sugar to your food or drink. Or, beginning a easy stretching program for 10 minutes a day upon getting up in the morning.

Slow and Steady wins the race! Take one area of your health and make a minor improvement. And continue with one small improvement each week. Before you know it you'll be looking and feeling better. And you will have the good feeling of knowing that you are doing all you can to take care of your body.

Grace and Peace,

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These statements have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration. This blog is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. You should consult with your medical professional before beginning any diet or exercise program!

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