
I hope you enjoy and find my blog useful. Please feel free to link, comment, or give your advice. Make yourself at home and come back daily as I will be updating daily.
Grace and Peace,
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I'm a 54 year old Husband, Father of Four Daughters, Pastor and Vice Principal of a private K-12 school on Long Island.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Beyond Organic Info

This is a great site by my friend Mike Melvin Beyond Organic Info

Beyong Organic is a great company that is in it's pre-launch phase. Mike is one of my Upline Sponsors. Beyond Organic was founded by the NY Times best selling author and the founder of garden of Life supplements, Jordin Rubin! Jordan has a great vision for this new company and we're all very excited to be a part of it's inception! To find out more go to my Insider located on this page!

Grace and Peace,

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